Getting out of the house with three little ladies can be quite the chore, but one step I took to make things just a tiny bit smoother was limiting the number of shoes at the door! It sounds so silly, but having just a few pairs of shoes per family member in our laundry room has seriously saved SO much time when it comes to getting out of the house.
Each of the girls have three pairs of shoes each season: a pair of athletic shoes, a pair of dress shoes and some sort of seasonal shoe (like rain boots or snow boots). By limiting the number of pairs in our shoe pile, the girls can quickly find which pair they need to wear and we can be off on our next adventure!
I also include the girls in the “shoe buying” process, if they LOVE the shoes, they won’t fight about putting them on, which always makes me laugh! Does anyone else’s kiddos complain about putting on their shoes, like it’s some long, super hard process!? This past Spring, I swear Emmy wore her purple sparkly rain boots every single day and you know what, it made life easier, she could slip them right on and they sure did make her happy! (Bonus Points: Pick shoes your kids can get on and off by themselves, velcro and slip-ons are your friends!)
Pair One: Athletic Shoe

Pair Two: Dress Shoe

Pair Three: Seasonal Shoe