Welcome back to another Friday Favorites! We have a jam-packed weekend ahead, including a girls night, Avery’s first soccer game, Palm Sunday at church, birthday parties and MORE. We would also love to attend our town’s Easter egg hunt and even squeeze in some tile shopping for our kitchen backsplash. And come to think of it, I would also love to organize Emmy’s closet, which is a total disaster. Our weekend to-do lists are always a mile long, but as long as we get a few things checked-off, mixed with a little family fun, I’ll count it as a win!
1: This Week on the Blog- I was a little quiet on the good ole’ blog this week, to be honest I’m pretty sure I had some version of the flu last week and it has kicked my booty! I am finally feeling better, but only managed to get a few posts up this week.
3: Mom Style: Short Edt.- One, please don’t pay attention to my pale, pale, legs, it’s been a long winter here in Chicago and my poor legs need some sunshine or a spray tan ASAP! I have been on the hunt for new shorts and Target was super successful for me. All three pairs of shorts are from the Universal Thread line, fit true to size, have great stretch and actually cover your booty. I was having the hardest time finding shorts that I could actual bend over in when out and about with my girls, while also not feeling like I was wearing Bermuda shorts and of course, you can’t beat the price, all three pairs are under $20!
4: Five Photos From This Week
5: Easter Brunch- Scott and I are so excited to be hosting Easter this year, we started planning out our menu and can’t wait to spend time with our family. We decide to make pork tenderloin, roasted vegetables and home made mac n’ cheese (via this recipe). I have also been busy pinning some simple, yet festive tablescapes, here are a few of my favorites via Pinterest!