1: What we are Eating: I am SO happy to be keeping up with our weekly meal plans! This month I’ve been cooking from Chrissy Teigen’s Cravings Cookbook and we have been LOVING the recipes. They have a touch of gourmet flavors to them, but are super manageable and super delicious. I feel like I talk way to much about meatloaf for being a 31 year old, but her Spicy Italian Sausage Meatloaf is the BEST! Also, are you following me on Pinterest? I have fallen in love with “pinning” again and have so many delicious recipes saved on my Recipes: Dinner board, leave your Pinterest username in my comments, I would love to follow you!
What’s Cookin’: Meal Plan Week 3
What’s Cookin’: Meal Plan Week 4

2: What I’m Reminiscing About- Disney on Ice! Scott and I took Avery and Emerson to Disney on Ice this month and we had so much fun spending the morning with our two oldest little ladies. It was so fun to spend a fun morning with our girls and honestly, Disney on Ice is super entertaining! I bought weekday morning tickets and got such a deal, we were sitting super close and just had the best time.
3: What I’m Loving- I am LOVING these new sunnies I ordered off of Amazon this month, they are a Karen Walker “dupe” and come in a two pack (tortoise and black). They are seriously the BEST quality and even come with a little protective pouch, such a great Amazon find, I highly recommend!
4: What I’ve Been Up To- I am FINALLY getting back into my gym routine, Scott and I take turns waking up at 5:40 (whomp whomp) to head to the gym. I use to love using the “Tone it Up” app for some guided workouts, but decided to save a little money each month and have been trying to find workouts on Pinterest instead. Do you have any favorite workout freebies you can share with me!? A favorite YouTube channel or “pin” that you use when working out!?
5: What I’m Dreading- The SAME thing as last month, I am DREADING another week of COLD weather here in the Chicago area. I am SO tired of being freezing every time we leave the house, plus bundling the girls up and taking them in and out of their car seats when it’s freezing just stinks! We are all ready for some sunshine.
6: What I’m Working On- The little ladies and I have been getting into the St. Patrick’s Day spirit and have been working on some fun and festive activities, recipes and of course, outfits! I plan on sharing a few more activities to help you sprinkle in a little green throughout the month of March.
What’s Cookin’: St. Patrick’s Day Popcorn Recipe
St. Patrick’s Day Looks & Books
7: What I’m Excited About- I am SUPER excited about a “stay-cation” Scott and I have planned for next month. I think I even mentioned this in the last WUW, but we have a wedding in the city and I can’t wait to get away with my main man. However, I could use some help… I need a dress to wear to the wedding! Do you like any of these options!?
8: What I’m Watching/Reading- Keeping up with the St. Patrick’s Day theme this week, the little ladies and I checked-out a whole bunch of St. Patty’s Day books from the library, we loved “How to Trap a Leprechaun” and had to buy a copy to add to our holiday book collection.
9: What I’m Listening To- Let’s talk Podcasts! What are your favorite Podcasts to listen to? I LOVE Jenna Kutcher’s Goal Digger podcast and FINALLY listened to my first episode of Rachel Hollis’ Rise podcast, both are super motivating and inspiring, you can actually listen to Rachel Hollis on Jenna’s podcast in episode 146. Please tell me, what are your favorite podcasts? Oh, also Rose Pricks (totally rated R) is hilarious if you are a Bachelor fan!
10: What I’m Wearing- I am in major need of some new workout gear! I’m linking some of the items I have my eye on. Have you tried the “Lululemon” dupes off of Amazon? I finally ordered a pair and can’t wait for them to get here!
11: What I’m Doing this Weekend- I’m SO excited to take photos of a sweet little newborn this weekend. Our friends recently had their THIRD baby and asked me to snap some photos of their new addition and I am SO honored and can’t wait to get my hands on that sweet baby. We will also be doing all the usual weekend “things,” dance, church, hopefully catching up on the never ending pile of laundry… you know, all those “things!”
12. What I’m looking forward to next month.- I am SO looking forward to SPRING and I’m really praying some warm weather will be waiting for us in March. I can’t wait for spring jackets, walks around the neighborhood and trips to the park, this winter has felt especially long!
13. What else new.- My poor Avery came home from preschool not feeling well on Monday, I quickly got her into the doctor and sure enough she had Strep throat! We gave her lots of TLC (and antibiotics) and she was feeling much better today! Have I mentioned we are REALLY ready for Winter and all it’s germs to LEAVE!?
That’s a wrap for this “What’s Up Wednesday,” can’t wait to see what everyone else has been up to this month!
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