I’m hoping back on the Five on Friday/Friday Favorites train and I’m SO excited about it- I feel like it’s a great way to share some of our current favorites without overloading you with swipe-up’s over on Instagram. You can check-in each Friday to see a random mix of decor inspiration, Amazon finds, favorite recipes and more then likely a few photos of our favorite little ladies!
Favorite 1: Spring Decor Inspiration- I love finding pretty little seasonal items to fill our kitchen shelves with, it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite spots to decorate in our home. I love being able to weave in functional decor to add in simple holiday or season touches. Anthropologie latte bowls are always a favorite kitchen shelf item and I am drooling over the new matte shades in both the regular and mini latte bowl sizes. Take a peek at some of the other items I have my eye on:

Favorite 2: Recent Amazon Purchases- Ok, I think this is going to be a fun one, I’m going to share the last 3-5 items I purchased on Amazon Prime each week, is it sad that I utilize Amazon Prime that often? Between Prime, Target Drive-Up and grocery pick-up I save SO much time, money AND sanity!
Favorite 3: Mom Style- Spring Break- This week I shared some of the adorable items I scooped up for the girls for Spring Break and today I want to share a few items that I have my eye on! I’m currently on the hunt for a new swimsuit for break and have my eye on these:

Favorite 4: Sunday Soups- January- We are loving stirring up a homemade soup on Sunday and it’s been the PERFECT way for me to actually sit down and eat a well balanced lunch throughout the week too. Here are four soups that we made in January (I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to our Sunday Soups too, you can find that HERE):

Favorite 5: Five Photos from the Week- Saving the best for last, five photos of our week- I know I say it ALL the time, but I am so darn thankful to be home with these three little ladies. I love this season of life, my heart can’t bear the thought of not spending mornings at the library or playing dolls with my little ladies. We miss Avery SO much while she is at school, but seeing her sweet face jump of the school bus each day makes us all SO happy!
Linking up with Momfessionals & A Little Bit of Everything & Grace and Love for Friday Favorites