WHAT a weekend, thankfully we got a few inches of snow in Chicago, which made the fact that I haven’t left the house for longer then 15 min. since Thursday a little easier! All three of our little ladies were under the weather, so we were stuck at home, cuddling on the couch, playing endless rounds of every game we own and consistently giving teaspoons full of Tylenol and Motrin… we are all so ready for a fresh new week, with hopefully no more germs, #byefelicia.
My big girl decided she would like to organize her closet while her little sisters were napping, I’m not sure where she gets her love for organizing from (#me)!
And this sweet girl was a little maniac with her walker! She can manipulate this thing, turning it exactly where she wants to go and is literally RUNNING, we like to refer to her as Granny Isla while she is walking. She would just walk, walk, walk all day long if we let her, but girlfriend was still a bit under the weather and needed to rest! Also, do you like her outfit? This is what happens when Daddy dresses you in the morning 😉
In the midst of Isla being SO sick, she learned how to clap and it sure was making the rest of us smile. The poor thing was clapping about everything, coughing (inset clap), taking medicine (insert clap), refusing to nap (insert clap), getting her nose wiped (insert clap). By Sunday, she was clearly feeling SO much better, we sure did miss her smiles and silly little personality, however, I still can’t believe my little lady made it 11 months before picking up any illness from her big sisters or just the world around her. I am SO thankful that she seems to be feeling so much better!
And of course no sick day/snow day weekend would be complete with far more screen time and movies then we usually EVER watch (#realife)! But ladies and gentlemen, FOUR days of caring for sick littles and not leaving the house, means pure survival mode! I am SO lucky to have the best husband ever during tough moments in life, he is SO much stronger then I am when it comes to caring for our little ladies when they are sick and I very much appreciate and admire the way he cares for them, LOVE that man of mine.
Well, that wraps-up our weekend, I sure hope your weekend wasn’t filled with as much Tylenol and kleenex as ours was, have a great week!